Career coaching is for those individuals having difficulties in their current position – either with a supervisor, colleague, employee or team. Often what can help is a sounding board, some tips on better communication and some ways to resolve conflict. The Finding Resolution Consulting (FRC) tagline is:
“Courage Communicate Change”
We partner with you to help you find the courage to talk about what you want to change and set out on the process to make you successful in accomplishing that change.
Assessments can help provide information on what is causing friction or ineffective communication. See DISC, Values, Gallup.
Career coaching is also for those looking to find a new job or career and need:
Direction on a new career/job
Help in making a resume shine
Assistance and having effective phone interviews
Practice on in-person interviews
Other hurdles being faced in moving to a new career
Assessments can be very helpful in changing career/job especially the Values assessment which tells you what motivates you. Gallup and DISC can be very beneficial as well.
Contact Finding Resolution Consulting principal, Ann Rosser, to start your team on a better path.