DISC Assessment
Research shows that the most successful people share the common trait of self-awareness. They recognize the situations that will make them successful which makes it easier for them to find ways of achieving their objectives.
The DISC assessment uncovers “how” you behave and “how” you communicate based on four quadrants of behavior which maximizes potential and improves effective communication.
Those who understand their natural behavioral preferences and can recognize characteristics of others’ behavioral style are in a better position to get the results they want.
The DISC Assessment measure four dimensions of your behavioral style:
Decisive – your preference for problem-solving and getting results
Interactive – your preference for interacting with others
Stability – your preference for pacing, persistence and steadiness
Cautious – your preference for procedure, standards and protocols
Learn more about the DISC Workshop.
GALLUP Strengths Finder Assessment
Employees who use their strengths are 60% more engaged than those who do not know their strengths. However, studies show that many of us don’t know our strengths.
Gallup allows individuals to have greater self-awareness and for teams to have better alignment. It can teach teams techniques for how to address challenges. For individuals it guides to activities that “give” you energy and not to activities that deplete you.
The key to achieving success is not trying to be someone else or striving to be as good as another team member. Instead, you discover your own exceptional talents and understand how others’ talents complement your own.
Upon learning of your strengths and utilizing them, productivity is increased and there is greater positive interactions with others.
There are two options for the Gallup assessment – learning your top five strengths or learning all 34 of your strengths.
Learn about the Gallup Strengths Workshop
VALUES Assessment
The seven dimensions of value measured by the Values assessment help you understand the reasons that drive you to utilize your talents in the unique way you do. While the DISC assessment measures “how” you behave, the Values assessment measures “why” you behave in the way you do and what motivates you. It helps you maximize your performance by achieving better alignment and passion for what you do and what you want to do.
It is valuable for self-awareness and for those want to change careers and/or figuring out what a good career field for them would be.
The Values assessment measures the following seven dimensions of motivation:
Aesthetic – a drive for balance, harmony and form
Economic – a drive for economic or practical returns
Individualistic – a drive to stand out as independent & unique
Political – a drive to be in control or have influence
Altruistic – a drive for humanitarian efforts or to help others
Regulatory – a drive to establish order, routine and structure
Theoretical – a drive for knowledge, learning and understanding
Contact Finding Resolution Consulting principal, Ann Rosser, to start your team on a better path.